Posts tagged ‘commercial law’

11 December 2011

UTS Commercial Law: Autumn 2008 – Notes

It’s been a long time since my last post. I had no HSC students in the 2011 HSC, so it wasn’t that busy this time of the year. But I had two Year 10 students who sat the last School Certificate for a while. My two Year 11 students are now in HSC, so I expect the next year will be quite busy.

In the meantime, I’ve been sorting out my computer and have decided to upload my notes for each subject from my Law degree. Please note the year of the subject, as laws and content change.

If you do download and use, leave a comment, as I’d like to know if these are actually useful for people or not.

Here are all my notes for Commercial Law, taught at UTS in Autumn 2008 semester.