UTS Commercial & Estate Practice: Spring 2010 – Notes

Here are all my notes for Commercial & Estate Practice, taught at UTS in Spring 2010 semester.

Please note the year of the subject, as laws and content change.

If you do download and use, leave a comment, as I’d like to know if these are actually useful for people or not.

  1. Lecture 1: Taxes and Duties for Small Business
  2. Lecture 2: Business Structures
  3. Lecture 3: Pre-Exchange
  4. Lecture 4: Exchange, Post-Exchange and Settlement
  5. Lecture 5: The Final Stage
  6. Lecture 6: Corporations
  7. Lecture 7: Industrial Relations
  8. Lecture 10: Wills
  9. Lecture 11: Probate & Letters of Administration
  10. Lecture 12: Administration and Estate Planning
  11. Lecture 13: Administration and Estate Planning – Part 2

One Comment to “UTS Commercial & Estate Practice: Spring 2010 – Notes”

  1. Hi tutor tales,

    Could you provide any resources for the practice file for Commerical and Estate Practice or Property Transactions?

    Thank you,

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